This is a dark day in baseball history. On September 28, 1920, eight Chicago White Sox players were indicted for trying to intentionally lose World Series games. All eight players were banned from baseball forever, including the great Shoeless Joe Jackson. For an account of this event, read the book Eight Men Out by Eliot Asinof, or see the movie of the same name directed by John Sayles.
Tonight's Homework:
- Begin working on your Dear Abby letter. This is worth 100 points and is due Wednesday, October 4. Don't put if off until the last minute!
- Finish the checklist for "The Fight with a Cannon."
- I will collect your letter to Victor Hugo tomorrow, Friday, September 29.
- Be ready for the quote quiz tomorrow. You will have to write out between 7 and 10 quotes.
- Start thinking about your topic for the persuasive paper.