What road are you on? The Road to High School, a blog for eighth grade students at All Saints Catholic School in Spokane, Washington.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!

I hope you all have a safe Halloween and a blessed All Saints Day. Send me a picture of your favorite saint and why they are your favorite by 9:00 pm tomorrow night, November 1, and you can earn three bonus points in any class you choose.

Also: Those of you who are craving more information about Middle Earth will find much to satisfy you by reading Parma Endorion by Michael Martinez. Martinez is a Tolkien fan who has been writing about Middle Earth since 1993. Parma Endorion is his collection of essays about the geography, peoples and events of Middle Earth, and is available as a free .pdf download by clicking here. (1.53 Mb)

Today's Schedules:

Early work:
  • Halloween, or All Hallow's Eve, is the day before what Catholic feast day?
  • Early Work
  • Halloween surprise
Early Work:
  • What is the full name of the leader of the dwarves in The Hobbit?
  • Early Work
  • Read Aloud
  • Reading The Hobbit
Early Work:
  • Halloween, or All Hallow's Eve, is the day before what Catholic feast day?
  • Early Work
  • Halloween Surprise
  • Persuasive Paper return

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Catholic Insider #4

Here is the fourth episode of Fr. Roderick's trip to America, followed by today's early work and homework:

Early Work:
Reading: Whom did Tolkien marry, and what was the day on which he died?
English: Early work summary

Reading: Continue reading The Hobbit.
English: Write three paragraphs about your plans and dreams for the future--due Monday.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Catholic Insider #3

Here is today's early work and homework, followed by the third installment of Fr. Roderick's visit to the United States.

Religion and English: Who is the author of The Rhythm of Life?
Reading: Early Work Summary

Religion: None
Reading: Keep reading The Hobbit.
English: Write 3-4 paragraphs about things that bug you and things that you like.

I mistakenly posted the wrong video of Fr. Roderick yesterday. I thought I was posting video 2, but it was actually video 3. I have fixed the problem, so that now they are in the correct order.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Catholic Insider #2

Along with today's schedule, here is the second episode in Fr. Roderick's video podcast series about his trip to the United States.

Early Work:
  • What does the "T" stand for in the STOP-TALK-SOLVE process?
  • Early Work/Attendance
  • Prayer/Pledge
  • The Rhythm of Life
  • Fr. Roderick Vonhögen and podcasting
Early Work:
  • On what day and in what year was J.R.R. Tolkien born?
  • Early Work
  • The 13 Clocks
  • Notes on J.R.R. Tolkien, continued
  • Chapter 1 of The Hobbit
Early Work:
  • Underline the verb in the following sentence: The five kids were running in the track meet.
  • Early Work
  • The Rhythm of Life
  • Autobiography assignment
  • Podcasting

Meet Fr. Roderick

Sorry about not getting yesterday's schedule or homework up. I didn't get home until about 8:30 last night. To make up for it, I have this special bonus entry to the blog. Let me introduce you to Fr. Roderick Vonhögen, a Dutch priest. Fr. Roderick is the founder of SQPN, the Star Quest Production Network. His network produces audio and video podcasts about Harry Potter, the Pirates of the Carribean, the saints, the rosary, Catholic rock music, and several other topics. He is a young, happy, tech-savvy priest who creates interesting, fun shows.

Fr. Roderick's show The Catholic Insider won the 2006 podcasting award for best mobile podcast, and he recently flew to California to receive the award. On the way, he stopped in New York and various other places, and he filmed parts of his journey. Here is the first installment of his video podcast about his trip to the United States. I'll continue to post them as they become available.

You can find out more about SQPN and Fr. Roderick here.

Here is yesterday's Early Work, for those who might have missed it:

Religion: On April 19, 2005, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was elected pope; what name did he choose after his election?

Reading: Who is the author of The 13 Clocks, and what is the name of the prince?

English: For your autobiography paper, how long should your introduction be, in paragraphs?

Friday, October 20, 2006

October 20th

I will not be posting today's schedules but here is a reminder about your homework:

Religion: Your test questions are due Monday.
Reading: I will be checking your letters to D.H. Lawrence.
English: Write about 1 or 2 people who have influenced your life. Write at least one paragraph for each person.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Auction Project and Pep Assembly Tomorrow

Don't forget that tomorrow our morning schedule will be very different. We will be working on our project for the All Saints Auction.

Also, a pep assembly is scheduled for 2:45 tomorrow.

Today's Schedules:
Early Work:
  • What two words from Frank Sheed's article mean "in all places" and "without limit"?
  • Early Work/Attendance
  • Prayer
  • The Rhythm of Life
  • Reading 7: God's Knowledge, Love, Power
  • Finish reading the article.
  • Write 5 test questions from the seven articles. Questions can be multiple choice, matching, short answer, or long answer. No true/false or fill in the blank. Remember to include the answer!
Early Work:
  • Who is the sports writer that is mentioned in "The Rocking-Horse Winner"?
  • Early Work
  • The 13 Clocks
  • Individual Work
  • Sponge Activity
Early Work:
  • Write today's date as it should appear in MLA format.
  • Early Work
  • The Rhythm of Life
  • Life Experience Sharing

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Happy Wednesday!

Early Work:
  • According to the All Saints Creed, what is your life task?
  • Early Work
  • The Rhythm of Life
  • Review of "God is Infinite Spirit"
  • Group Reading/Discussion: "God is Omnipresent and Eternal"
Early Work:
  • Complete this line from the All Saints Creed: "If I want to achieve..."
  • Early Work
  • The 13 Clocks
  • Independent Work (3 options):
    • Work on your letter to D.H. Lawrence
    • Read your novel
    • Conference with Mr. Senger
  • Finish your letter to D.H. Lawrence by Friday
Early Work:
  • In MLA format, what should the font style and size be, and what should the margins be?
  • Early Work
  • The Rhythm of Life
  • Free write: "Who Am I"
    • History
    • Personality
    • Talents
    • Quirks, weaknesses
  • Discussion about the Autobiography Project
  • Choose 3-4 experiences from your life that had an impact on you. Write a paragraph about each one, explaining how it affected you. Due tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

October 17 Schedule

Early Work:
  • Name the three kinds of questions we can ask about a story, and circle the most important one for understanding a story's meaning. (Hint: use your binder)
  • Early Work
  • The Thirteen Clocks
  • Continued seminar on "The Rocking-Horse Winner"
  • Homework: Begin work on your letter to D.H. Lawrence
Early Work:
  • What are the prepositions in the following sentence?
  • I left my keys in the tray by the side of the door.
  • Early Work
  • The Rhythm of Life
  • Timeline of your life
  • Essay by William Kennedy from 3 Minutes or Less
  • Autobiography assignment

Monday, October 16, 2006

Monday's Schedule

Early Work:
  • "What is the difference between soul and spirit?
  • Early work
  • Prayer/Rhythm of Life
  • Review
  • Presentation: "God is Infinite Spirit"
  • Discussion and questions
  • Quality Expectations for Dismissal
Early Work:
  • "No man is an island, entire of itself...any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind." John Donne
  • Early Work
  • The Thirteen Clocks
  • Socratic seminar on "The Rocking-Horse Winner"
  • Quality Expectations for Dismissal
Early Work:
  • The introduction to a persuasive paper includes four items. What are they?
  • Early Work
  • The Rhythm of Life
  • Discuss/turn in persuasive papers
  • Activity

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Persuasive Paper Due Monday

8 South students, your persuasive paper is due Monday. Be sure to email me if you have any questions about the paper. Use the rubric I handed out last week to help you decide if your paper needs more work.

Other homework:

Religion: None

Reading: Answer four or five of the most important interpretive questions you have about "The Rocking-Horse Winner" and be ready for a Socratic Seminar on Monday.

English: Persuasive Paper due

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Tuesday's Homework

Here is today's Homework:

Religion: None

  • Continue marking up "The Rocking-Horse Winner," list and define any words you don't understand, and make a list of questions you want answered.
  • Read for half an hour.
  • Finish the first draft of your persuasive paper.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Happy Monday!

Here's today's homework:

  • Spend some time the next few nights thinking about what you learned about spirit and soul. "Spirit is the element in us by which we know and love, by which we therefore decide." "Ours is the only spirit which is also a soul--that is to say, the life principle in a body."
  • As you think about these deep ideas, ask God to help you understand.
  • Be sure to memorize the quote by Emerson and to read for half an hour.
  • Tomorrow you will continue working on marking up "The Rocking-Horse Winner."
  • Begin writing the first draft of your persuasive paper, due Wednesday. Using your outline, it should go pretty smoothly. Be sure to add lots of examples and details.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Have a Great Weekend!

Homework for Monday:

  • Finish the general and specific outlines for "The Rocking-Horse Winner"
  • If you don't think you did well on the All Saints Creed quiz, then study up this weekend and stay in at recess on Monday to try it again.
  • Finish writing an outline for your persuasive paper.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

A Day Off!

I really enjoyed answering your questions about high school today. Here are links to our local high schools for further exploration:

Gonzaga Prep
Lewis and Clark

Don't Forget: Tomorrow is Picture Day. Dress for individual pictures.

Today's Homework:

  • The Dear Abby take home test is due tomorrow, Thursday!
  • Continue memorizing the All Saints Creed in anticipation of Friday's quiz.
  • None!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Rocking-Horse Winner Begins

Today's Homework:

Keep working on the "Dear Abby" take home test (though now it's due on Thursday because of the Gonzaga Prep visitation tomorrow).

Write down what kind of story "The Rocking-Horse Winner" is, along with a one-sentence summary of the plot.

List supporting statements and objections to your claim.