What road are you on? The Road to High School, a blog for eighth grade students at All Saints Catholic School in Spokane, Washington.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Videos from NCCE 2007 - Day One

One thing I learned today is that it is very hard to take video of yourself if you can't see what you're filming. These videos are very short and very unedited, but hey, what do you expect? I'm not Fr. Roderick.

Comments on "Videos from NCCE 2007 - Day One"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:55 PM) : 

hi mr senger! hope you had a good time there. and the videos wernt bad at all, though i wish you could have shown us more


Blogger Nick Senger said ... (5:12 AM) : 

Thanks Santa! I'll try to get more pictures and video today. This is the day that all of the companies set up their booths to sell stuff--gadgets, software, books--so I should see some pretty cool things.


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