What road are you on? The Road to High School, a blog for eighth grade students at All Saints Catholic School in Spokane, Washington.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Hello From the Land of Accreditation

I don't have much time to write this morning. These last couple of days have been very long. St. Aloysius is a great school and I'm glad to be there, but I miss All Saints.

I hope you are understanding more about Valjean and Fantine by reading excerpts from the unabridged Les Miserables, and I hope that your I-Searches are almost done.

I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow. We will practice our stations of the cross and hopefully find the time to see the 7th grade country displays.

Take care!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Half Day Tomorrow

Don't forget that tomorrow is a half day. Here is what's due tomorrow in Reading:

Read to page 53.
Do all of the study questions on page 1, and the study questions for the chapter called "To Entrust is Sometimes to Abandon."

Also, the paraphrase of the Preface is due Monday.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

New Video From Fr. Roderick: Beyond the Movies

Here is today's homework:

  • Read pages 20-27
  • Mark and outline the text
  • Do study questions 1-4 for "The Fall" and vocabulary words through the word "galleys"
  • Continue working on your I-Search
Also, here's a new video from Fr. Roderick. It's the first in a new series called Beyond the Movies:

Monday, March 19, 2007

Les Miserables Begins Today

Today we began reading Les Miserables by Victor Hugo. Be sure to keep up with all of the reading and study question assignments.

Today's Homework:

Religion: None

  • Read pages 3-12 in Les Miserables, marking the text as you go.
  • Do pre-reading questions 1 and 2, and the three questions for An Upright Man, along with the two vocabulary words.
  • Due tomorrow
  • Rough draft of I-Search section two due tomorrow

Monday, March 12, 2007

World on Fire Video - Sarah McLachlan

I came across this video tonight and thought it was worth sharing:

Changing Deadlines

Here are a few revised deadlines to keep track of:

Religon: Your Knights of Columbus essays are due this Friday, March 16.

Reading: You need to have your books marked by Wednesday, March 14, and the entire checklist done by Monday, March 19.

English: The deadline for the section two rough draft has been moved to Tuesday, March 20. The final deadline for the I-Search is now Friday, March 30.

Friday, March 09, 2007

NCCE Day 3

No pictures or videos today--there wasn't really anything new to show you. I did have something embarassing happen to me, though. I was in a workshop led by Will Richardson, who is pretty much the godfather of educational blogs, and he was showing us how blogs might change in the future. We were all seated in nice conference chairs looking at this big screen where he was projecting websites for us to look at, while he spoke from a raised platform at the front of the conference room. Well, he wanted to show us how easy it is becoming to place audio and video into blogs, so he clicked on over to Youtube to find a random video to put in his blog. He said something like, "Let's see if anyone's posted any video of the convention," and he typed in "NCCE." And suddenly there I was, larger than life on the screen, because I had tagged my convention videos "NCCE." Will said to the audience, "Looks like somebody has posted some. Anybody you know?"

I don't know why I got so embarassed, but my heart started slamming against my chest, and it was hard for me to breathe. A teacher from Cataldo was sitting next to me and she said, "Is that you?" I nodded and tried to slink down lower in my chair. Will began to play the video but the Internet connection was very slow, so he stopped it after a few seconds.

As I look back, I notice I had two conflicting emotions during the experience. On the one hand, I was very self-conscious about other people finding out that I had made these videos, and maybe thinking that they were amateur and silly. And on the other hand, I was proud of making them because I'm a bit shy and it had taken some courage to take the pictures and the videos with everyone watching me. The self-conscious part of me was glad that the Internet connection was slow, but the proud part was disappointed that it didn't get to play all the way through. But I do have the satisfaction of hearing Will Richardson say that what he saw looked "pretty good."

Thursday, March 08, 2007

NCCE Video - Day 2

Here is a video I put together very quickly this evening before I headed off to the primary building for Information Night:

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Videos from NCCE 2007 - Day One

One thing I learned today is that it is very hard to take video of yourself if you can't see what you're filming. These videos are very short and very unedited, but hey, what do you expect? I'm not Fr. Roderick.

Day One of NCCE 2007 - Pictures

I hope all of you had a good day today and made progress on your fiction or nonfiction checklist in class. Remember that your general and specific outlines are due on Monday.

I had a fantastic day at the NCCE conference. I have a few pictures for you, as well as two videos. First, the pictures:

The outside of the convention center early this moring (about 8:00 am)

The theme of the conference is 007, Agents of Change, so there are a lot of James Bond-type items around, like this Porsche

Here is a picture taken during a workshop I attended on using handheld devices in schools

Monday, March 05, 2007

Coached Reading Continues

Remember to get a book from the list you received in class today. Bring it with you to class tomorrow (or, at the latest, Wednesday).

Religion students: Don't forget to work on your Right to Life essay.

Here are some highlights from Gonzaga's win over San Diego yesterday:

And congratulations to the Gonzaga Women's Basketball team, coached by the incredible Kelly Graves!